Wholesale Inquiry
About us:
We are a Korean company dedicated to the export of Korean cosmetics for 10 years, supplying more than 100 brands, being the world leader in K-Beauty.
We handle two types of businesses through our platform called Stylekorean: wholesale and retail sales, which is why it is the ideal company to satisfy the needs of its clients.
We are a solid company that works directly with cosmetic brands and we not only supply products but we can also offer the necessary documents to carry out customs procedures without problems.
Our service:
First of all, it is useful to plan purchases because you can view, through our website, the availability of live products.
Secondly, each order has an @ advisor @ who can advise and recommend you for the orders.
On the other hand, we offer several types of language services
We pack your orders with the AGV system (Automatic Guided Vehicles), therefore we control them more effectively.
Finally, fast service: All work is carried out by our system so that in case there is a problem with an order we can detect it immediately.
Who are our clients:
In the case of retail sales, our products are aimed at individual consumers. That is, customers can buy and receive their orders as when they do from Amazon or Mercado Libre.
In the case of wholesale sales, there are several types of customers:
First, people who want to run their business with little capital.
Second, companies that want to distribute their products to sellers
Finally, importers who want to export their products abroad.
If you want to start running your own business, we are the best option for you since we do not care about company size or capital. We want to work with you.
How to work with us:
All you have to do is contact us through the following emails:
As soon as we receive your email we will contact you (3 ~ 5 business days).